Giveaway and Author Interview with Belinda Rose

This past week I had the pleasure of interviewing Belinda Rose, the author of Little Girl Crying. I read her book several weeks ago–you can read my review here–and I thought it would be very interesting to interview the author. Belinda not only agreed to do an interview with me, but she also very graciously offered to host a raffle giveaway for a free ebook copy of her book Little Girl Crying. She is giving away TEN free copies, so you have a very high chance of winning one; therefore I totally advise you to enter. The length is worth the read. I am very grateful for her willingness to do this with me, so here it is.

Author Bio:

Belinda Rose is a Christian Contemplative, inspirational author, poet and creative. She overcame a 38 year battle with anorexia nervosa, bulimia and deep depression through the healing and transformational power of contemplative prayer. Near death multiple times, her story of survival is a testimony to the power of God’s unfailing love and amazing grace. Amid an abusive childhood, she felt a deep devotion to Jesus, where He soon became her dearest friend and lifeline. Through God’s grace she was drawn to contemplative prayer, of which she has been a long-time practitioner. Belinda attributes the true miracle of her healing to the power of experiencing God in this deep, meditative prayer. As a Christian Contemplative, she believes it is by resting in God in the silence – the journey within – that sets God’s divine action to work within us to allow true healing of the wounded heart, mind and soul to occur.

Since the moment of Belinda’s miraculous healing experience she has been on a healing mission to uplift those who suffer, through her inspired poetry, writing, and prayer ministry. Through her vibrant online prayer community she shares daily prayers and devotions, offers intercessory prayer for those in need, and seeks to inspire and encourage those who suffer by ultimately leading them into a deeper intimacy with God through prayer.

Belinda Rose is devoted to her Catholic faith. When she isn’t writing or creating, Belinda loves spending quiet time in nature and adores animals of every kind. Born and raised in the Midwest, she still lives there with her husband and three sons. Together they enjoy the companionship of their five cocker spaniels, three cats and Buster the parrot.

Belinda’s memoir, Little Girl Crying: My Life-long Struggle With Anorexia Nervosa and the Prayer That Saved My Life, and the accompanying Christian Worship CD; Songs of Praise and Worship Inspired by the Memoir Little Girl Crying, are a testimony of her personal resurrection. Her life story is one of miracles, survival and of God’s great love, infinite mercy, and amazing grace at work in our lives. Visit her website: or her Amazon Author Page for more information:


What led you to start writing?
Honestly, I don’t remember ever not writing. I’ve literally been writing since the time I could print! I was just six years old when I began writing stories in first grade. In junior high, I began writing poetry. Then in high school the writing branched out to include Journalism as the Feature Editor of our high school paper, The Pepperbox. I also wrote children’s stories for my kids as they were growing up. Even though I love playing with many forms of creativity — art, photography, movie editing, graphic design — writing is the one thing that just comes naturally to me.

How long did it take you to write Little Girl Crying?
About a year and a half to write. But then came all of the illustrations. So the entire project from writing to publication took about 4 years. 

How did you come up with the title? Is there a message behind it?
Actually the title was given to me in prayer. It isn’t that I had been praying for a title, because I thought all along the working title was going to be Love’s Pure Light, which was an expression of the heavenly encounter and miracle that healed the eating disorder. The Holy Spirit embraced me in divine light and that light was permeated with divine love, so Love’s Pure Light, right?  But as I was praying one day, I distinctly heard the still, small voice whisper, “Little Girl Crying”.  Even though I thought the title was set, I knew immediately what this message meant. It was meant to be the title of the book.As for the next part of your question; is there a message behind it?  There’s not so much a message as there’s a meaning. The little girl I was spent a lifetime crying — crying to be loved … to be heard … to be validated. This is what the poem, “Little Girl Crying” at the beginning of Chapter One expresses. As that little girl grew up, she didn’t outgrown the emotional angst. Those emotional wounds I had repressed had now only gotten deeper and more unbearable. As an adult, I had a wounded and broken inner child to heal. Telling her story through this book is one way in which she has finally stepped into her power and no longer the victim. The book is in a very real way making her pain finally heard and validated.

What is the first book that made you cry?
That’s easy. Black Beauty! LOL! I think I might have been 8 when I read that. Animals have always been a very important part of my life — especially horses and dogs. I’ve always felt a deep connection to them because an animal loves unconditionally. I fell in love with the story of Black Beauty. Although I’m sure I didn’t understand this as a child, looking back maybe it was the oppression Black Beauty experienced that touched me so deeply. I was experiencing abuse and oppression in my own life as well. I think I felt a sort of “kinship” with Black Beauty’s suffering.    

Did you ever get writers block while writing this book? If so, how did you overcome it?
No, never. I was blessed to have a very special writing mentor help me to get the structure of the book down. Trying to write a book that encompassed so many decades of my life was overwhelming, and I struggled trying to figure out how I might do it. But once that came into view it all fell into place. I’ve never for one moment believed I wrote this book alone or just for me. This book was written from the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It is for God’s glory alone. It is a story meant to give hope and strength to the hurting. Everyday before I wrote I prayed fervently that the Holy Spirit would infuse every syllable with the light and love of heaven to lift up the broken and suffering and to glorify God. My intent has always been that my testimony make a difference in the lives of those desperately seeking a glimmer of hope in their pain. Jesus is that hope. I have to say, writing the book was the most blessed and peaceful period of my life — ever. It just flowed. I truly believe I was just an instrument, and this book was just part of my destiny. I’m both grateful and humbled that the Holy Spirit has used me in this way.

What is the most important thing about a book in your opinion?
In my humble opinion, the most important books are the ones that inspire, teach or guide us in a way that makes us better human beings. Whatever path you are spiritually walking, it’s about walking it as better human being and having a deeper relationship with the Creator. 

Who is this book written for? Is there a particular audience you are seeking to reach?
While much of my suffering has revolved around an eating disorder and depression, I believe my story is universal. It isn’t meant only for those with eating disorders, but anyone hurting and in need of healing and hope. People struggling with addictions or physical, emotional, and mental suffering are hurting and struggling to get through the day. My testimony and it’s message is meant for them. I pray it will bring them the encouragement and hope to do that. 

What do you hope your readers will take away from this book?
So many things, really! I want them to understand God is with them in their suffering — even when He seems silent. I want them to know our God is not a has-been God, but a living God still healing and performing miracles, just as He did when He walked among us 2000 years ago. So don’t lose hope or faith, and never, ever give up because tomorrow may be the moment victory comes! And most importantly, I hope they will be inspired to seek a deeper, more intimate relationship with the Lord in prayer because prayer is truly the key to experiencing His love, His healing and His miracles.

What’s next for the book? Will there be an ebook or audio book?
Yes, I’m glad you asked that question! I just released the ebook edition of the book which I’m  very excited about. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to release an ebook edition because of formatting issues with the poetry, prayers, and illustrations. But it actually turned out really well, and I got to share many color illustrations rather than just the black and white that are in the print book. My next project is to begin working on the audio book. There are also two other books that I’m being inspired to write which would actually make this a series or trilogy. 

You also produced a music CD that accompanies the book. Songs of Praise and Worship Inspired by the Memoir Little Girl Crying. Can you tell us a little more about it?
Sure. I’d love to! The CD was inspired from the poetry in the book. Creatively I love to do things that are a little out of the box I guess you’d say. It is sort of a ‘soundtrack’ for the book! Who does that, right? But I also write song lyrics. So I began by rewriting some of the poetry into lyrics. Then, I wrote other lyrics for the CD solely from themes in the book. For example, the song Little Girl Crying is about the abuse and the relationship I formed with Jesus as a child in response to that abuse. I was really looking to create a means for readers to have a deeper — even devotional experience — from the book. The book is really at its essence about healing, and music is a great healer for so many of us. If anyone is interested in knowing more about the CD you can go to:

Here is the link to the giveaway:

(you can either click on the image or the button, and it will take you to the giveaway)

I hope you enjoyed reading this interview as much as we enjoyed doing it! Thank you so much, Belinda for doing this with me!! Make sure to check out her book and cd AND be sure to enter the raffle for a chance to win a free ebook! Hurry, your time is running out!


  1. map195 says:

    nice post …good author

    Liked by 2 people

      1. map195 says:


        Liked by 1 person

  2. Lena Rae says:

    Great interview! ✝

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ani says:

      Thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hello! I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Liebster Award. Here’s my post on it:


    1. Ani says:

      Fun! Thank you!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Starling says:

    This is a great interview, Ani! I really love her testimony and how she managed to overcome all her problems with God. I think I will be entering this giveaway, because it is an ebook right? However, I have a question before I enter the giveaway. How will the ebook be given to us?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ani says:

      Thanks, Starling! Yes, the book format will be an ebook. I am pretty sure it will just be given to you through email if you win.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Starling says:

        Ok got it!


  5. Starling says:

    Oh ya, sorry another question. It says the winners will be announced on Facebook. However, I don’t have Facebook. Is it still possible for me to join?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ani says:

      Yes, you can still join. I do not have Facebook either, but Belinda will inform me with who the winners are, so I will let you know when I find out 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Starling says:

        Ahh okay awesome, thanks! I’m gonna enter the giveaway now.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Ani says:

        I need to correct myself. Belinda just told me that she will be sending the winners the ebooks through something called BookFunnel. She will basically send a link to each of the winners that leads them to a one-time download link. I hope that makes sense! And I am really glad you entered the giveaway!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Starling says:

        Ohh okay thanks!

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Melody says:

    I just read this post and it was super great! Good job Ani!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ani says:

      Thanks, Melody!


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